Seinfeld has been called, by many, one of the best TV sitcoms of all time. Whether you’re a fan of “The Soup Nazi” or the “Low Talker” episode, there are always extra details to notice every time we watch this show. Some fans often get Seinfeld memorabilia to remember how the show made them laugh so much.
However, one of the most interesting things that Seinfeld taught us was the art of “Creative Gift Giving,” which are sets of rules people should (or should not) take into account when giving a gift to someone.
Keep reading if you want to know more about this interesting topic! Moreover, make sure you show your love for the show by creating a collection of memorabilia for it.
How Jerry Seinfeld and Friends Taught Us About Creative Gifts
Even though these gift “ideas/rules” were made as a joke, there are some details we can consider whenever we have a date or a meeting and want to surprise the other person.
Let’s jump right into the list!
The Cash Gift
As its name implies, this is a cash gift, one of the easiest ones you can get. According to Seinfeld, this is an excellent gift if you’re someone’s uncle.
The Re-Gift
Seinfeld may have ended many years ago, but it still teaches us valuable lessons! The re-gift refers to recycling gifts.
The Politically Incorrect/Awkward Gift
Politically incorrect gifts can get you into trouble, and Seinfeld proves it in that episode when he gave Elaine an Indian statue when she was with a Native American friend.
The Thoughtful Gift
This is the best gift option you can get, as it implies you thought about the person and what they liked to get them a gift.
The Dangerous Gift
The dangerous gift is another example of how not to give gifts. Susan learned this the hard way when she gave George cigars, who then burned down her dad’s cabin while trying to light them up.
The Discount/Cheap Gift
Discounts can sometimes save you from spending too much money, as long as you know where to search. However, make sure you’re not buying something with such a “generous” discount, as that could get you into trouble as George did, who gave Elaine a sweater with a red dot on it.
The “Generous” Gift
The overly-generous gift is tricky to give, especially if the receiver has envious people around like Jerry’s dad, who wasn’t able to enjoy his gifted Cadillac due to Jack Klompus’ complaints.
The Original Holiday Gift
Frank Costanza innovated the world by creating his own holiday. The fun thing is that you can do it too and avoid traditional gift-giving events!
The Naughty Gift
These gifts can be perfect if you deliver them correctly, which isn’t quite what happened when Elaine left provocative messages on Jerry’s tape recorder as a joke. However, these were also heard by George, who then fell in love with that “sexy voice.”
The Broken Gift
If you want to avoid problems with your loved ones, don’t get them “the broken gift.” Many Seinfeld episodes have taught us that cutting corners when buying gifts isn’t always the best idea.
The Unwanted Gift
This is common for people who receive something they don’t want and try to gift it to someone else. An example of this is when Bania gave a suit to Jerry, who didn’t want it.
Then, Bania expected Jerry to take him to dinner and get him “real meals” in exchange for the gift – don’t do that.
Shop for Seinfeld Memorabilia, and Give the Perfect Gift to Your Special Person!
Undoubtedly, the best gift you can give someone else who loves Seinfeld is memorabilia. You can collect several items from our site and gift them (or keep them to yourself!)
Once you check our page and Seinfeld listing, you’ll notice there are many amazing items with authentic signatures from the cast. Moreover, you don’t have to spend all your money on these collectibles, as there are many options you can purchase for a more than fair price.
If you’re interested in what our memorabilia items have to offer, open up your browser, enter our shop, and contact our seller for more details surrounding shipping and payments.